Teachable Soul Podcast

Sarah Wong: Career Coaching, Anxiety, and DNA

Kat Daniels / Sarah Wong Season 2 Episode 2

This week on The Teachable Soul, Sarah Wong joins me to discuss Career Coaching and the job search during the pandemic lockdowns, Anxiety, and DNA. 

Sarah Wong was adopted from birth. As she matured, she struggled dealing with many unanswered questions around her personal identity. In 2019, after starting therapy she realized that her anxiety mainly rooted back to her identity crisis, After she finally reached out to her biological family, she unlocked a part of herself she never knew existed. Through deeply understanding the importance of mental health and self-empowerment, she started Metamorphosis101 in order to help job seekers land dream jobs. Sarah’s unique approach comes from her 11-factor health model, which she integrates with mindful decision making and compassionate accountability. Sarah aims to build a more compassionate and mindful workforce and greater opportunity for those who experience mental health problems.

Instagram: @metamorphosis101.me

LinkedIn: @sarahwongmg

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This is the teachable soul podcast. Because we cannot on the journey to success. here's your host, Kat Daniels.

Kat Daniels:

Hello again and welcome back my fellow teachable currently using to listen today. Also, feel free to follow along on my website, you can do that at the teachable soul.com I adopted from birth and struggled with understanding her identity others find their own path and started metamorphosis. One on

Sarah Wong:

Hello, thank you so much for having me.

Kat Daniels:

Thank you for coming on today. I know that And just everything about that?

Sarah Wong:

Yeah, absolutely. So metamorphosis. 101 is sort of country that we saw. And I was working at a nonprofit in a job and doing my own thing that had sort of always been, what my creation, that sort of thing. And then a month later, I saw of putting the pieces together looking at the situation of the hired a couple coaches of my own. And one of them, she really my work, but about me as a human right, like where, where just sort of came to me of my own metamorphosis and my own teach people sort of the basics of how to transform their life,



Kat Daniels:

that sounds amazing. That's really it or not, but if you don't, that's okay. I Oh, yeah,

Sarah Wong:

I do actually. It's called swords to plowshares. It was the best job that I ever worked in my life. I totally where I probably should have stayed. But, of course, at that what I thought I needed, or what the society around me was sort months, and I got fired, actually. And ever since then,

Kat Daniels:

So when so what is that? What year was all of that?

Sarah Wong:

Yeah, so I left swords. Gosh, it was early in my bets in the wrong way. And I lasted there till about may of to do, you know, so it was sort of the first time in my life I was really just scrambling to try to put the pieces back finally, just having to come come back into myself and really

Kat Daniels:

I have so many guests, and not tell you how

Sarah Wong:


Kat Daniels:

Yeah, the end of 2019 and beginning of 2020 held kind of focus more on your decisions and actually, like,

Sarah Wong:

Yeah. So you did mention briefly that I was curiosities about, you know, different qualities and quirks curiosity was, it was it wasn't enough to really impede my life in many ways. But the older that I grew, the more and paranoid and quite concerned, you know about my true origins really, it really affected my ability to sort of function. And know, tracing his own personal ancestry and all of that, and I take this step forward, to find them when to talk to them. So insane curiosity to find out who she was and where she comes about where we come from. So in finding her, not only did I sort the intro, sort of opening up this whole new side of myself just that need to find out where I come from, and who my who my really bad identity crisis. And I'm just so glad that I'm, I'm

Kat Daniels:

So what were some of the questions that you were family have a history of illness?

Sarah Wong:

That was something that I had no idea about? You you know, who is also adopted? She doesn't have that the same especially as I grew older, it became sort of concerning and

Kat Daniels:

Yeah. I mean, I have I'm not adopted, but I have her mom all had their stuff. And my aunt on my dad's side all had in the clear or not. But like, if I were to ever go into definitely ask as well. So where are Where are your, your

Sarah Wong:

So I was actually born in South Lake Tahoe. And I love with the area. And she's been there ever since. So she's

Kat Daniels:

So you, so you, was it like, immediate after you met

Sarah Wong:

the moment that I spoke with them, I can't tell I said, I've always been like a bit of a spiritual person. But previous question. That was another question that came up time talking to my grandfather, as well, for the first time was to was so cool, because it was just the first time that I had all my issues. But it certainly was the starting point of my over this last year. And I just want to point out the fact family. But I just do think that, that my experience for knew it was going to help me, but I had no idea just how much understand before. And it's been just really incredible and

Kat Daniels:

But yeah, when you're, I know, many, many it. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. And I think I think for your just I have one of those and so does my brother He recently got hers to see if our daughter could potentially have it that that absolutely, like thing that's bothering her now, because it is a thing. And

Sarah Wong:

I'm a huge, huge advocate for the whole DNA ancestors. And just simply that experience for me again, experience that has been. And maybe not everybody has that it's a really cool sort of learning lesson. And it really yes, we're living in this extremely crazy and challenging time right now. today, even Despite living in a pandemic, living with the in this crazy year. Yeah.

Kat Daniels:

Well, and to for me, I mean, you mentioned kind

Sarah Wong:


Kat Daniels:

Yeah. And which gives me I don't know, it also So I also read somewhere where you were, it said that you had

Sarah Wong:

I guess, yeah. So I've always been a very anxious person, you know, your baseline is anxious. Like when most people baseline at an eight year old, like, Oh, my God, I don't know how to address feeling, you know, like I have to really nurture my injury. And came to a head again, around, I would say it started to my therapy is my number one priority. Once it my health care when I got my most basically the last job that I was that I lost that's Why might it says my diagnosis was January of 2019. such an anxious person. I mean, I was I was anxious about just It's something that you know, if you, if you do the right things, you have a lot of uncertainty, the symptoms only get worse, at on two years now. And I just, I just have a whole different way

Kat Daniels:

I bet. So you talk a little bit about how your

Sarah Wong:

Oh, my gosh, so finding my spirituality, I guess this bench. And my heart rate was like, you know, it was out because I had had heart issues. And heart issues are sort of it didn't really want to, I forced him to go on this hike with me, think about anything for just one second. And I was like, who, learn meditation and breathing techniques in it, I used them to more seriously. And I started doing like virtual meditation my ancestors, but my ancestors were very spiritual people, like and just knowing that this was a really important thing for me, pathway, I guess, that I've really gained mostly through prayer journal. I have a gratitude journal, I do daily into my life, which was something as well, I mean,

Kat Daniels:

Yeah, same stuff. What is a? You said energy Yes. What's that?

Sarah Wong:

So I do, I'm like, gosh, this is going a little a little spiritual but yeah, like

Kat Daniels:

Is this related to like sound healing? I've heard

Sarah Wong:

Yes, yes. It's essentially sound healing. Yeah.

Kat Daniels:

Yeah, I got you. Okay. Yeah, I've heard about like, being able to go to sleep quickly.

Sarah Wong:

Mm hmm.

Kat Daniels:

That has helped me immensely over the past few

Sarah Wong:

So another, this is not necessarily energy healing. your mouth, and the air going out. You know, you're you're sort of helps to dissolve away any of those thoughts. Like if on a consistent daily basis has really helped alleviate not only

Kat Daniels:

Yeah. anytime anybody tells me that they're

Sarah Wong:

Exactly, exactly. Just taking a few seconds every not really knowing what to believe in before. And now I

Kat Daniels:

Yeah, no. Yeah, that's Yeah, that's spirituality has been something the way. You're a spiritual being. And it smacks you upside

Sarah Wong:

I think it's hard. I mean, I think in the Western world, especially, and I was to do it. Yeah. Right. If ever, like, there has never been a

Kat Daniels:

Yeah. Yeah. For sure. And it's so funny to me to how like 2019 because I,

Sarah Wong:

it was like November or so of 2019 last year that I

Kat Daniels:

Yeah, the the, the cosmos must have aligned

Sarah Wong:

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. It's just been, that's been one thing that forced to sort of slow down and reassess and really think harder going for with my clients is to help people find whatever it is other really important parts of our existence, you know?

Kat Daniels:

Oh, yeah, absolutely. So when you work

Sarah Wong:

I, I was previously certified as a resume writer. So needs. So I sort of can really assess based on a case by case also that there's such a diverse group of people, you know, so I that's really where I would say my skill is the best as a career people through and sort of make it through the the mental won't anticipate, I like to help folks sort of understand those

Kat Daniels:

Yeah, the transitions of any job whether

Sarah Wong:

Yeah, and I know, so many people this year, I imagine people really figure that that pathway out,

Kat Daniels:

right? Yeah, absolutely. And then they have

Sarah Wong:

yeah, it really is. And I just have a bleeding heart been building up. Yeah, that's awesome.

Kat Daniels:

Wow, that's phenomenal. Thank you so much you learn that through like going through the whole process

Sarah Wong:

I think back to a year ago, like what you're living my life was just through this, I don't have enough money, perspective, knowing that there is hope out there there is I am have enough you are capable, you are worthy, you are good enough, failing, I was so afraid of rejection, I was so afraid of more that I can't that I am capable that I that living in In

Kat Daniels:

Yeah, I loved what you said at the beginning when

Sarah Wong:

So that's phenomenal. Thank you. because there's probably many other Sarah Long's on LinkedIn. absolutely the best place to get in touch with me right now.

Kat Daniels:

Awesome. Yeah, the link that I have here So Sarah

Sarah Wong:

Yeah, late. I think it's linkedin.com slash n slash

Kat Daniels:

yep. Yep. That's what I have here. Okay, perfect.

Sarah Wong:

Again, just be open to failure be open to being told embrace your fears and charge forward with life without

Kat Daniels:

Yeah. I'm all about failing forward.

Sarah Wong:

That's when I'll fail forward. That's it. Yeah,

Kat Daniels:

thank you so much for coming on Sarah, and I hope

Sarah Wong:

Thank you so much. I appreciate it. You too.

Kat Daniels:

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